Machine equipped with CNC control complete with coloured tough screen
This control allows the creation of working projects to be saved either on the machine memory or directly on a flash drive through an USB port to be reloaded in the future
The machine’s software, easy and intuitive allows, by meaning of pre-created macros, anb easy programming of the project, assisted by a step by step procedure to give dimension as well as position on the profile of the chosen figure.
It is possible to append singular programs into an entire new project creating a complete working cycle that includes all needed jobs to b executed into a profile.
Our mission is simple: To understand your unique requirements, and then engineer, build and install a lineal processing line that meets and exceeds them.
// Copy the below lines under window.fcWidget.init inside fw_chat_widget function in the above snippet
// To set unique user id in your system when it is available
// To set user name
// To set user email
// To set user properties
// Note that any other fields passed as properties which are not in the CRM Contact properties already, they will be ignored.
cf_plan: "Pro", // meta property 1
cf_status: "Active" // meta property 2