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Don’t fall behind on your production needs. Let’s talk about your fenestration or lineal processing challenges and how we can use automation to help achieve your goals. Fill out the contact form or use our contact info below. We look forward to speaking with you.

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Contact information

// Copy the below lines under window.fcWidget.init inside fw_chat_widget function in the above snippet // To set unique user id in your system when it is available window.fcWidget.setExternalId("john.doe1987"); // To set user name window.fcWidget.user.setFirstName("John"); // To set user email window.fcWidget.user.setEmail("john.doe@gmail.com"); // To set user properties // Note that any other fields passed as properties which are not in the CRM Contact properties already, they will be ignored. window.fcWidget.user.setProperties({ cf_plan: "Pro", // meta property 1 cf_status: "Active" // meta property 2 });